Monday, December 21, 2015

In the Beginning...

Hi, my name is Becky. And I am good at exactly ONE thing: making babies. Yep you read that right. I am a machine when it comes to making babies. So far I have made exactly seven of my own (two being in Heaven) and have decided to use my "special talent" to give another family the blessings of parenthood.
For whatever reason, I have never been truly "great" at anything. Sure I've had hobbies that I enjoyed and was mediocre at best but nothing I ever excelled at.....until I got pregnant on our honeymoon!
Yep, that's all it took. Apparently I am a NATURAL at conceiving! Nine months later, I had a 3 hour labor with no complications....Yep THREE HOURS!
Five boys later and none of my labors have been over 5 hours. See? I'm a natural ;-)
So what's this business about helping another family?
That's an excellent question (and will be the sole purpose of this blog)!
I have prayed long and hard and want to be used by God for something greater than myself. What could I do to help others and glorify Him?
 Then it hit me like a ton of bricks one day: surrogacy!
There are so many deserving families out there that, for one reason or another, are incomplete :-(
And here I sit with a Super Uterus!
So off to google I went. Literally, I googled "How to become a surrogate". When you do this, you are  bombarded with information and support groups. After joining said surrogate support groups, I applied with an agency. Sadly, my beliefs regarding reducing and termination caused them to deem me "unmatchable" (their words).
Feeling pretty low, I went to my support group and asked if anyone knew of an agency that had pro life intended parents waiting to be matched. That's when I was introduced to Eloise of Family Inceptions Intl. She's an angel in disguise (and a 3 time surrogate herself!)
I felt a huge wave of peace and purpose as I perused their website and filled out the online application to start my journey. I got a message saying that I would hear from someone in the next 2-3 days to see if I qualified to become a surrogate.
WELL, how about I got a call from Eloise, in just a few hours!!! ACCEPTED!!!!!